Well, here it is. My Django blog/cms software is alive and kicking. I spent about 3 weeks getting this together, off and on. I finally decided to bring it live, even though there is a small list of features I want to add. It currently has all the basic features a normal blog should support. Here is a TODO of what I would like to add.
I also have to give credit where it's due. The template was a free design from NodeThirtyThree. I altered it where I wanted to get the look you see today. I used code snippets and examples from various places as guidelines for creating this app. Many articles and blog entries related to various specific Django functions were used, etc. Small list of thanks.
So have a look around and let me know what you think, if you spot any errors or if you have any suggestions.
[Update] I got around to adding Trackback support last night, according to the MovableType trackback specs.